There were quite a few hunters who were fortunate to hang their tag on a whitetail deer, with some real beauties being taken. I have a few pictures from friends and other hunters who were among these fortunate ones with deer that I wanted to share. I am short on time at the moment, but these deer have some good stories that I will try to get up in the next week or two as well, but for now enjoy the pictures!
Tim Cyr's 6 Point - 162lbs. |
Nick Pelletier's 8 Point - 150lbs. |
My Dad - Tom Huston's 8 Point (with busted brow tines) - 172 pounds
Ked Coffin's 10 Point - 180lbs. |
Shane Lizotte's 10 point - Beautiful Rack!
A Real Monster from Southern Maine |
261lbs. Monster! - Awesome Rack! |
1965 Thick Racked 214lbs. - Amazing Mass!
Stay tuned for updates! I will be wrapping up my trapping season in the next couple of weeks and I will be posting my "End of the Season" picture. I also won the opportunity to try out and review a pair of
Chippewa Boots, so stay tuned for how they hold up with some use and abuse! As I right this, the mercury dips back below 0 degrees where it has been most of the time the past week, which should make lots of ice for the ice fishing opener on the first of January. Stay tuned as we begin our hard water exploration adventures!