Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Summer/Fall Blur

The summer was not devoid of the toothy finned beauties that have become my summer obsession!

The fall fishing on the other hand was rather lackluster, but these small salmon kept the fly wet.

Early season goose hunting was rather productive.  It had been a couple years since I had tried to honk these feathered friends into range, and I forgot how fun it is! 

The deer season is wrapping up as I write this and while I have dug the smoke pole out of the cabinet for a last ditch effort to put venison in the freezer and antlers in my hands, I thought I would give everyone a couple pictures to enjoy of some big Northern Maine bucks!

Stay tuned for more updates to come (hopefully in a much more timely manner) and a very entertaining story of my first attempt at trapping a bear!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ice Fishing Highlights

Our ice fishing exploits this winter were fairly quiet, with some slow, but steady action on some average fish.  My son caught his first fish, and yellow perch or not he was tickled.  I also acquired a new portable ice shelter which makes for some luxurious days on the ice.  I am working on packing away all of the ice gear to ready the open water equipment.  Stay tuned, because as soon as the rivers release their icy sheeting we will be chasing all sorts of finned beauties!

End of the Line - 2014

A snapshot of my 2014 trapping season in what many call a "barn shot" or an "End of the Line" shot to signify the end of a trapline.  I had a lot of fun this year despite stopping early due to an unforeseen closure on the season by the state.