My wife Heather is very patient and tolerant of my addiction that people call fishing. She has enjoyed many a fishing trip and has caught her fair share of fish, even out-fishing me at times, but had been unable to land a muskellunge. I told her that 2017 was the year that we would change that, and in true romantic fashion to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary I loaded up the canoe and we went muskie fishing! (I am not joking that we went fishing on our 10th anniversary, even though in hind-site, it might not win me any husband of the year awards!) . We hadn't been on the water long when a cast of Heather's suddenly fetched up solid and started streaking upstream. From the bend of the rod and the screaming of the drag this was obviously a good fish, which was confirmed when it came to the surface and rolled showing off it's 40"+ length. Excitedly she played the fish, but despite her best efforts it managed to throw the hook after a few minutes. The look on her face showed disappointment, but hinted at something else, a look that might signify the start of an addiction! "Did you see how big that was?!", she exclaimed again. Nodding my head in agreement, I knew that might be our only shot for the day at a fish, but yet we continued. Continuing our casts, we covered quite a bit more water and were almost ready to call it a day and go have supper (I did take her out for a nice meal after!) when her rod locked up again, and while the drag wasn't screaming this time the fish was giving the road a workout. Excitement built as she played the fish expertly, and finally I slipped the net under it and scooped it up. She had caught her first muskie! It was a beautiful 28" fish that was a perfect first fish and helped to get her big by the muskie bug. A couple quick photos and we released it to continue growing to be caught again in a few years.
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