Saturday, November 30, 2013

Quick Update...

As I write this I just walked in the door from the last waning hours of 2013 rifle season on deer.  No deer in the books for me yet.  I might still dig out the old smoke pole for the last week.  Since the last post we have gotten a little snow and temperatures have dropped quite a bit, so I am hopeful that will get the fur moving and produce some catches.  I also have a couple of deer stories with pictures to come.  My dad was fortunate enough to take a buck today, and a couple of my friends tagged deer this week so I will get some pictures and stories posted for everyone.  In the mean time here a couple shots on the trapline...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Trapping Update

So I apologize for my absence, but you can rest assured it is for good reason!  I have been catching some fur and that keeps me busy in the fur shed.  Enjoy a few pictures in the mean time (Few due to the fact that a lot of recent trapping activities have been after dark and the camera doesn't do well).  I did have a special partner for a few hours last weekend and he is sure to be a future trapper.  Thanks for coming along Tanner!  Stay tuned for lot's more to come I hope!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Trapping Update ... Hopefully Many More to Come!

Just thought I would share a picture of my first otter of the season.  I love seeing those tapered tails!  I had to work a little for this one, but they are always worth it.

Big plans for this weekend to extend the fisher/marten line to hopefully connect with a few more of our furry friends so stay tuned for updates!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Trapping Update

For me, there is nothing quite like seeing a black shadow hanging in my trap.  It is such a beautiful site.  Fisher are such beautiful animals and I was fortunate to pick up two on my last run!

I also picked up my first mink of the season!  They are really unique little animals.

Stay tuned for more trapline adventures yet to come and hopefully some deer pictures! 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Allagash Buck

I was talking to Louis Landry who is one of my frequent readers and I expressed my apologies for lack of material being posted as I have been short on time.  He recommended even a quick word with a picture to keep everyone up to date, so I will try to be checking in more frequently even if it is for a shorter post.

Just a quick photo of a great buck that came out of Allagash this past weekend.  Exact location to remain a secret.  I heard of several other large buck sightings on Saturday as well.  Share your pictures and stories with us at  I will be running traps tomorrow as well so check back for pictures of hopefully success!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Trapline ... Quick Report

So I told you to follow along on our Northern Maine trapline and then I left you behind.  I have done fair on my water line so that means all my free time has been spent handling fur with little time to update everyone!  The batteries died on my camera the last couple of checks, but I have new batteries and the camera will be with me from now on so stay tuned!  Here is a little taste of the action!  Hopefully our land line will start producing as well.  Two dozen water sets and two dozen land sets thus far keeps me busy!